Student Conduct

Student Conduct

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学生行为办公室通过公平公正的过程来支持博天堂官方入口登陆登录的使命和精神,以维持一个卓越的社区, safety and character. Consistent with this mission, The Office of Student Conduct will:  

  1. Protect the interest, rights and values of Carroll University by upholding all local, state and federal laws.
  2. 让学生和学生团体负起责任,让他们了解自己的行为,以及他们如何影响更大的校园社区.
  3. 鼓励学生质疑他们自己的价值观,并确定他们如何采用支持他们理想的替代行为模式.

File a Report

Student Conduct Report: Complete this form to file a complaint with the Office of Student Conduct. A hearing officer will respond to the complaint.

Campus Climate Report: 校园气候响应协议通过提供一种机制来推进这一承诺,个人可以通过该机制报告真实或感知的偏见事件, exclusion, or inequity and seek support through campus resources in addressing those concerns.

Title IX & Sexual Misconduct: Important information on how to report sexual misconduct; including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.

Pio Support 

Pio Support学生支持团队通过协调支持服务和适当的干预措施来帮助陷入困境或据报道表现出麻烦或令人担忧的行为的学生,从而支持博天堂官方入口登陆登录的学生保留和健康的校园社区.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my parents/guardians find out about my alleged violation(s)?
What type of sanctions may occur?
Do I have to attend my hearing with a conduct officer?
Can someone come with me to my hearing?
Do I have the ability to appeal the outcome of my hearing?
What if my alleged involvement in an incident occurred off campus?
Can I read the documentation that details my alleged involvement?
What occurs during my administrative conduct hearing?
What if I did not know my alleged actions were in violation of the Student Code of Conduct?

Alcohol Policies

  1. Alcoholic beverages may be possessed, purchased and/or consumed only by persons of legal drinking age, and only in areas designated by the university. 
  2. No individual may procure, sell, dispense or give alcoholic beverages for or to an underage individual.  这包括举办未成年人持有酒精饮料的聚会.   
  3. 醉酒和/或滥用酒精是不能容忍的,也不能作为非法行为或不当行为的借口. 
  4. 根据学校制定的指导方针,允许在经批准的博天堂官方入口登陆登录中饮用酒精饮料. 
  5. Alcoholic beverages of any kind are strictly prohibited at university athletic events, in university-owned or leased vehicles, and in classrooms, unless permitted by guidelines established by the university. 
  6. 酒精饮料永远不能作为成就的奖励或作为奖品或奖励. 
  7. Common alcohol sources, such as kegs, are prohibited. 
  8. Regardless of age, alcohol related paraphernalia is prohibited. 
  9. 任何醉酒的人将被视为持有酒精饮料.

Alcohol Misuse Sanctions

对涉嫌酗酒案件的审理程度取决于具体事件的具体情况, past history or conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations which may have occurred simultaneously. 
  • First level alcohol violations will likely result in a written warning, $100 fine, 以及可能包括参加酒精和其他药物滥用(AODA)评估或教育方案的额外制裁. 
  • Second level alcohol violations 可能会导致150美元的罚款和额外的处罚,可能包括通知父母, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs. 
  • Third level alcohol violations 可能会导致200美元的罚款和额外的制裁,其中可能包括通知家长和参加AODA评估或教育计划, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, suspension, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university. 
*First, 根据具体事件的具体情况,二级和三级酒精制裁可能更为严厉, past history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations that may have occurred simultaneously.

Illegal and Controlled Substances

  1. The possession, sale, distribution, production, or use/misuse of illegal, controlled, or banned substances is prohibited.
  2. Possession, use and/or distribution of any rape drugs, including but not limited to Rohypnol, Ketamine, GHB, Burundanga, without a prescription, is prohibited, and administering one of these drugs to another students is, additionally, a violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy. More information on these drugs can be found at .
  3. The possession of paraphernalia, including but not limited to bongs, hookahs, scaled, and pipes for the purpose of illegal drug use is prohibited.
  4. Prescription drugs are controlled substances. The use of prescription drugs for non-medical reasons is prohibited. Prescription drugs may only be used by the student who m they are prescribed.

Illegal and Controlled Substances Sanctions

The level at which the alleged illegal, controlled, 而违禁品的审理将视具体情况而定, past history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations which may have occurred simultaneously. 
  • First level illegal, controlled, or banned substance  violations will likely result in a written warning, $100 fine, 以及可能包括参加酒精和其他药物滥用(AODA)评估或教育方案的额外制裁. 
  • Second level illegal, controlled, or banned substance violations 可能会导致150美元的罚款和额外的处罚,可能包括通知父母, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs. 
  • Third level illegal, controlled, or banned substance violations 可能会导致200美元的罚款和额外的制裁,包括通知父母和参加AODA评估或教育计划, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, suspension, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university. 
*First, second, and third level illegal, controlled, 或者,根据具体事件的具体情况,对违禁物质的制裁可能更为严厉, part history of conduct violation(s), the severity of the alleged violation, as well as other violations that may have occurred simultaneously.

More Resources

Annual Security Report
State Laws
Campus Equity
Office of Violence Prevention
Ethics Point
Title IX


Jacob Eisch, Carroll University

Jake Eisch

Director of Student Conduct & Violence Prevention

Panoramic View of campus